gilded sanctuary


In the heart of Paris, Klavs Rosenfalck has married modernity with history.

By Camilla Alfthan, photos Matthieu Salvaing, RUM February 2015.

Download rum.pdf

two good sports

Sport, lifestyle

Bubber  + the sports anchor, Morten Ankerdal.

By Camilla Alfthan, Fit Living, June + February 2015

Download Ankerdal.pdfDownload Bubber.pdf

alessandra facchinetti’s reality


Tod’s talented designer is an added value to the Italian virtues of making hand crafted luxury.

By Camilla Alfthan, ELLE, December 2014.

Download alessandra.pdf

the colourful collector

Arts, culture

From tap dancing to making – and collecting – pieces of art, Niels Wessel Bagge continues to spread his magic.

By Camilla Alfthan, Berlingske, November, 2014.

Download Bagge.pdf

a new lease

Design, Travel

A former skiing champion and a member of the Taittinger family have revived the historic Mont Blanc hotel together with Sybille de Margerie.

By Camilla Alfthan, ELLE, April 2014

Download taittinger.pdf

the treasures of istria


A road trip through the treasures of Istria – beginning from above.

By Camilla Alfthan, photos Peter Westrup, Scanorama, September 2014

Download Istria.pdf

the short of the long

Arts, culture, Fashion

David Bailey talks about his work – and the difference between making pictures rather than just taking them – in life as in art.

By Camilla Alfthan, Plaza, February 2014

Download 108_PM.pdf

horse mountain


Modest and unassuming, horses are just a chapter in Flach’s career though they were always a part of his life.

craft and eccentricity


Kyoko Shimada has taken the reins of her mum’s fashion house while she’s also launched her own, equestrian brand.

By Camilla Alfthan, ELLE, January 2014

Download KyokoELLE.pdf