Author Archives: camilla

the minimalist

Filed under Design, Nordic styles

In line with his minimal estethics, Harri Koskinen launches a maximum of new designs.

By Camilla Alfthan, Boligen, Berlingske Tidende, April 2010.

black is blue

Filed under Design, Nordic styles


A UN project – and a royal visit – helped Anne Black launch her own line of hand painted (and mostly blue) ceramics.

By Camilla Alfthan, MS September, 2010

man’s best friend

Filed under Equestrian

The horses are always with Thomas Velin, who lives and travels with his four legged champions.

By Camilla Alfthan, photo Linda Henriksen, Berlingske Tidende, April 2009.


Filed under Sustainability

Jane Goddall’s  lifelong mission to save the chimps portrayed in photographer, James Mollisons latest book.

By Camilla Alfthan , BT, October 2004

eccentrics and rarities

Filed under Nordic styles

Eccentricity, humour and a different eye sum up  the new generation of cutting edge fashion design.

By Camilla Alfthan, IN magazine, 2004-2005

northern light

Filed under Nordic styles

Sustainability and handmade fashion have long characterized the Nordic designers who often find their inspiration in Nature.

By Camilla Alfthan.

craft and heritage

Filed under Nordic styles

A huge undercurrent of local talent from the Nordic hemisphere.

By Camilla Alfthan, IN Magazine, 2006

pawson’s fashion moment

Filed under Design

John Pawson talks about sharing his aesthetics with fellow minimalist, Calvin Klein.

By Camilla Alfthan, Lifetime, 2006

liv it up

Filed under Fashion, Nordic styles

After assisting the fashion bravado, John Galliano, Nikoline Liv Andersen continues to work in a theatrical fashion.

By Camilla Alfthan, MS November 2006

knits and pleats

Filed under Nordic styles

Childhoods in far away places and a passion for nostalgia triggered some of the most iconic Nordic names.

By Camilla Alfthan, IN Magazine, 2007-2008