frozen delights
Dorrit Moussaieff and Ingibjörg Palmadottir talk about Icelandic women and of their love for their island.
By Camilla Alfthan, In, March 2007
Download islande.pdf
milan revisited
Europe’s design and fashion capital has in the past two decades undergone a delightful makeover.
Text and photos Camilla Alfthan, In, September 2009.
Download Milano.pdf
a long weekend in long island
From the wilderness of Montauk, to the charming restaurants and vineyards of East Hampton.
Text and photos Camilla Alfthan, In, September 2008.
Download so-long.pdf
jamaican jog
In the footsteps of hedonists – and 007.
By Camilla Alfthan, Berlingske Tidende, Rejseliv, March 2010
Download jamaicainn.pdf
winter wonders
In St. Moritz, luxury companies sponsored one of the best polo tournaments ever on snow – despite the dark clouds that loomed over neighbouring Davos.
By Camilla Alfthan, Rejseliv, Berlingske Tidende, February 2009.
Download stmoritz.pdf
jodhpurs and maharadjas
Locally inspired fashion photographed in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, with a little help from Shivraj Jodhpur.
By Camilla Alfthan, photos Jette Jørs, DV Mode, Spring 2005.
Download Jodhpurfirst.pdfDownload Jodhp.second.pdf