tree man
Towering trees that are often several hundred years old have become a life long passion for tree alchemist Torben Hansen.
By Camilla Alfthan, Bo Bedre September 2024
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the future in space
The science of space is travelling with a rocket’s speed. If we’re not on board others will reap the gains, says ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen en route to the International Space Station.
By Camilla Alfthan, HBL, August 2023
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country house in paris
Discreet luxury wrapped in a historic place in the midst of a poetic garden.
By Camilla Alfthan, photos Åsa Liffner. Living, June 2022.
Download Talma.pdf
working from home
During the Hong Kong riots designers Ed Ng and Terence Ngan were busy creating their new office in Japanese Karuizawa. “To see a mountain with trees and birds instead of tall buildings is the ultimate luxury,” they say.
By Camilla Alfthan, Antik & Auktion, fall 2020.
Download Kodama.pdf
northern reflections
In a turbulent world personal relations are more important than ever, says Denmark’s grand old man of foreign affairs, Uffe Ellemann-Jensen.
By Camilla Alfthan, Hufvudstadsbladet, May 2021
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swiss with a swish
“Design is a cultural statement. In Denmark and Finland it was always used to market the country but we’re still not quite there,” says Alfredo Häberli

inspired eclecticism
As the daughter of two antique dealers, Laura Gonzalez has made herself a name in the world of interiors with a penchant for classics mixed with the unexpected.
By Camilla Alfthan, photos Francis Amiand
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treasure island
In the southern archipelago of Greenland, a Danish archeologist discovered the worlds oldest rubies.
By Camilla Alfthan, HBL, photos van Steinwijk,HBL, December 2019
Download rubiner..pdf
parisian variations
An expat in Paris enters a world of history and heritage.
By Camilla Alfthan, Antik &Auktion, 2020
Download ModernVintage.pdf
a bigger ball game
Beryl Lacoste continues the legacy of her grandfather as she extends her involvement in tennis.
By Camilla Alfthan, Hufvudstadsbladet, July 2019
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